Let them eat cake

April 23, 2010

I work 2 shitty jobs. I will be lucky to make 5 figures this year.  I think about suicide every day.

I’m too tired to care about posting here. I’m too tired to care about anything. I expect fully to be homeless by the end of the year. 

I am now a typical American.

I give up. 

I’m going to rot and assimilate.

The Glued-on Smile

March 3, 2010

Every February-ish I’m listing to one song or another from Skinny Puppy on repeat. Like, Repeat. With a capital blowmyearsout. This year, of course, is no exception. Apart from the car I drive whilst listing to aforementioned song, and contemplating taking a wrong turn into a telephone pole. 

Of course the live version video is better but this is here for clarity’s sake. Hah. Clarity.

Exemplary Customer Service

March 2, 2010

Dear Customers, 

You are already rude. Your needs are already inane. You are already wasting my time. Add a cellphone to that and you are compounding the problem that you are still alive, breathing air and walking this earth, while wasting space, as well as my time and energy when I cannot get away from you at work.  


Since you cannot pull that loathsome thing from your ear for the amount of time it takes you to speak to me after YOU accosted ME for help in the first place, do not be surprised when I push that thing so far up your ass that Verizon includes a colonoscopy report with your next bill. 

Come on, dial that thing. Give me a reason. 


Freedom (or, Mindgames II)

February 24, 2010

Oh, XKCD, where would I be without you.  It’s like we share the same hive-mind or something

Sorry I’m not inept enough for you

February 9, 2010

Dear *******, 

Thank you for your interest in the Executive Assistant – Chief Medical Office opportunity at ******** Hospitals; job number IRC122371. We have reviewed your resume and qualifications for this specific position / job number. While your skills and experience are impressive, we are pursuing applicants whose credentials more closely fit the requirements for this particular opportunity at ********** Hospitals. 

Please note that if you have applied to other positions /job numbers from the specific one noted above, you may view your status at anytime by logging on to our website, as there could be other opportunities in which you are being considered. 

Thank you again for your interest and we wish you success in your career endeavors. 

Recruitment Services
********* Hospitals

Dear Suckwad, 

Thanks for being completely inept at carrying out your recruiting process. As a fellow recruiter, I can recognize a job well done.  As a person who did do a recruiting job well, I can easily see when one falls short of  well, adequate or even competent.  In short you, sir, suck.  Like, suck-shit-through-a crazy-straw suck.  

It took you what now, 1 month and 1 day to simply tell me “no” after wasting my time -AGAIN- for 30 minutes on the phone? I mean hell, you didn’t even meet me face to face. An email takes 5 seconds for your assistant to cut/paste into being. 

Also, thanks for being the human equivalent of a maxipad on the telephone.  I’ve met typing paper with more of a presence than you.

I could give two shits about this job and find it HIGHlarious that you can’t recognize that someone with my experience would do anything but feign enthusiasm for this position. The recession has me by the balls and you think I aspire to be a glorified secretary?

Bitch, please. 


After a 9 hour shift, I just don’t have the words for today

February 2, 2010


January 27, 2010

Dear CowWorker, 

I’d say I’m really sorry you live a small life, but that would imply my considering you and your sad existence.   My life is not small, I will not work here for 31 years and have this place as my sole source of entertainment, interaction or friends. 

Have a wonderful evening with your Lean Cuisine dinner, your sham of a marriage and the children you squeezed out who don’t love you anymore. I have Things to Do, Places to Go, Drinks to Drink and the impending GRE on my plate. 

In other words, kindly fuck off.

Sincerely yours, 



January 25, 2010

Dear Customers, 

Because I’m feeling magnanimous today, I will share with you the reason I don’t allow you to visibly anger me anymore with your stupid demands, rudeness, insipid helplessness and generaly cuntitude that comes with being middle-aged menopausal women. 

When you start up with your nastiness, rudeness, and general mistreatment of me, the retail worker, I imagine stabbing you with my scissors, in the face, repeatedly. I picture picking up the largest piece of merchandise near me and swinging it like a baseball bat until it connects with that thick skull of yours.  Home-run!  

And to top it off, after I finish killing you in my head, I smile, look you straight in the eye and wish you a great afternoon, good luck or a wonderful evening. And I thank you for your patronage. 

See, if you anger me and I break the mask I wear to get through the day, then you win.  But when I continue about my task of helping you with the same level of neutral professionalism and polite faux-interest that I give my nonasshole customers, I win.  And top it off,  I’m entertained by scenes of your death.

Some days are harder than others, but I Will. Not. Let. You. Get. To. Me. 

So doubly,  I will continue to win because I laugh at you. You have no idea what I’m thinking  and that is freedom.  

Oh yeah, and I watch Dexter not for entertainment, but more of a “how-to.”

Thank you, come again,


Rich old white men

January 6, 2010

Dear Corporate,

Pull your heads out of your asses and quit cutting my hours.  You don’t get to decide when or why I will quit. I do. Cutting my hours to the point where I can no longer feed or house myself is tipping the scales in your favour.  You don’t declare my 2 weeks’ notice. I DO. 



This could be the year where I become eligible for food stamps,


Because I’m good enough and smart enough and gosh-darnit people like me

January 6, 2010

Dear Customers,

I hate you.  I mean, yeah I hate myself too, but I hate you more. 

Save the planet. Kill yourself.  
